Инна Максименко, Андрей Плигин. The Passive Voice (страдательный залог). (Из книги "Now Let's Play English")

Употребляется в следующих случаях:

1. Когда в центре внимания находится лицо или предмет, которые подвергаются действию, а не лицо или предмет, которые совершают действие.

2. Когда лицо, совершающее действие, несущественно, неизвестно или не упоминается по каким-либо причинам.


Алекс выполнил работу (активный залог).
Работа выполнялась (пассивный залог).
Работу выполнили (пассивный залог).
Работа выполнена (пассивный залог).

Правила изменения глагола по временам для действительного и страдательного залогов одинаковы - изменяется только направленность действия, а следовательно, и форма глагола.

Предлагаем вам вывести формулу образования пассивного залога.

Активный залог
Sam takes the ball.
Sam took the ball.
Sam will take the ball.
Sam is taking the ball.
Sam was taking the ball.
Sam has taken the ball.
Sam had taken the ball.
Пассивный залог
The ball is taken.
The ball was taken.
The ball will be taken.
The ball is being taken.
The ball was being taken.
The ball has been taken.
The ball had been taken.

Пассивный залог в разных временных формах

  Past Present Future
Simple was eaten is eaten will be eaten
Progressive was beingeaten is being eaten -----
Perfect had been eaten has beeneaten will have been eaten
Perfect Progressive ----- ----- -----

В тех временных формах, где стоит прочерк, пассивный залог из-за сложности конструкции не употребляется.

Заполните таблицу, изменив глагол в пассивном залоге по временам: to do the work

  Past Present Future
Perfect Progressive      


1. Окно разбито.
а) The window is broken.
b) The window was broken.
c) The window will be broken.

2. Окно было разбито.
а) The window is broken.
b) The window was broken.
c) The window will be broken.

3. Окно будет разбито.
а) The window is broken.
b) The window was broken.
c) The window will be broken.

4. Камень брошен.
а) The stone is thrown.
b) The stone was thrown.
c) The stone will be thrown.

5. Фильм будет просмотрен.
a) The film was seen.
b) The film will be seen.
c) The film is seen.

6. Дом будет построен.
a) The house will be built.
b) The house is built.
c) The house was built.

7. Дом строится.
a) The house is built.
b) The house is being built.
c) The house was built.

8. Дом строился какое-то время.
a) The house is being built.
b) The house was being built.
c) The house was built.

9. Статья прочитана.
a) The article is read.
b) The article was read.
c) The article was being read.

10. Статья читается.
a) The article is read.
b) The article is being read.
c) The article was read.

11. Статья была прочитана.
a) The article was read.
b) The article is read.
c) The article was being read.

12. Статья читалась в течение какого-то времени.
a) The article was read.
b) The article is read.
c) The article was being read.

13. Статья будет прочитана.
a) The article is read.
b) The article will be read.
c) The article was read.

Keys: 1) a; 2) b; 3)c; 4)a; 5) b; 6)a; 7) b; 8)b; 9) a; 10) b; 11) a; 12) c; 13) b.

Make the phrases into the Passive Voice

(Обратите внимание: все предложения употреблены в Past Simple).


  1. Margaret sang a song.
  2. The teacher taught the class.
  3. The boys kicked the ball.
  4. The woman ate all the cake.
  5. John answered all the questions.
  6. The boys did the exercises.
  7. I took the book.
  8. Richard threw a stone.
  9. Mary caught the ball.
  10. She learned the poem.
  11. The boy broke the window.
  12. Sam wrote this letter.
  13. Mother cooked the dinner.
  14. Tom threw the stone.


Чтобы показать, кем/чем совершается действие, используются предлоги:


Перед одушевленным предметом, а также после глаголов типа: damage, make, discover, write, etc.

  1. This building was designed by Rossi.
  2. He was brought up by his aunt.
  3. The window was broken by this stone.
  4. The theatre was destroyed by fire.


Указывается, какой предмет, орудие, инструмент использован для совершения действия.

  1. He was killed with a knife.
  2. It was drawn with a stick.
  3. The bag was cut with a razor.
  4. The stone is very soft. It can be cut with a knife.

Read each sentence, then make up another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive Voice in it.

  1. We hope the bad weather won't change our plans.
  2. The river separates one part of the town from the other.
  3. Do you know who discovered that island?
  4. This rude joke can hurt him, I'm afraid.
  5. Early in the morning a loud voice outside woke us up.
  6. The wind was so strong that it broke a lot of trees and bushes.
  7. We believe that we will receive the telegram in time.


Из книги А. Плигина, И. Максименко "Now Let's Play English или личностно-ориентированное обучение английскому языку", издательство Санкт-Петербург "Прайм - ЕВРОЗНАК", Москва, "ОЛМА-ПРЕСС", 2005.